Happy Ramadan

Make Sure Your Site Is Responsive

Mobile visitors can be the key to an increased ROI from your organic SEO

On most occasions when a visitor enters your website on a mobile device via the search engines, there is a window of around 6 seconds to make an impact before they go to the next website.

If your website does not respond in display to the mobile browser, it is likely that they will navigate away.

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Make Sure Your Site Is Responsive
Maximize on your mobile website visitors.

Maximize on your mobile website visitors.

Around 70% of internet users will use a mobile device to access a mobile website or a mobile app in order to either make or enquire about a purchase – with around 50% of them going on to make the purchase there and then whilst they are in the online store.

If a mobile website visit becomes a struggle, through wither functionality within the website, unclear or sloppy layout of products or the responsiveness of the website just to name a few reasons, it is highly likely that you will lose the sale for good as customers usually remember a bad experience whilst online shopping.

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    Happy Ramadan